Gilman Library is pleased to present our newest e-resource
FREE ONLINE CLASSES using your Library Card
Creativebug for libraries brought to you by Gilman Library
#gilmanlibrary #freeclasses #crafts #creativebug
A free service using your library card login. Scan the QR code, click the CREATIVEBUG button, or hyperlink, or copy-and-paste this url address, , to go to our landing page
Gilman Library is pleased to announce that library cardholders may now enjoy free services from, through our library landing page. Creativebug is the number one inspirational resource for DIY, crafters and makers. has thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. It is an excellent resource for online classes, tutorials, and workshops in Art and Design, Needlecrafts, Papercrafts, Jewelry Making, Food and Home Décor, Holiday and Party Ideas, and Crafts for Kids. Your Gilman Library membership card will provide you with unlimited access. Enjoy guilt-free inspirational screen time. You can nurture your creative soul by learning new skills and learning easy ways to practice your craft every day.