Unless OTHERWISE posted, the Friends of the Gilman Library organization meets on the FIRST Thursday of each month at 3:00 PM, in the Friends Corner of the John D. and Anna L. Williams Room (the adult wing) of the Gilman Library. Meet with Friends and bring a friend.
The Alton Parks and Recreation Department and Friends of Gilman Library collaborate to sponsor a variety of fun family activities on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Events have included Book Bingo in the afternoon, Family Game Night, Family Movie Night, and Trivia Night, in the early evening.
Call 603-875-0109 or email parksrec-asst@alton.nh.org to RSVP/register/sign up or for more info. The times are subject to change from month to month but events will always be held on the Third Thursday. Join the fun with your family, friends, and neighbors. Light refreshments will be provided by Friends of Gilman Library. Please RSVP.
Unless otherwise posted, the Friends of the Gilman Library organization meets on the first Thursday of each month at 3:00 PM, in the Friends Corner of the John D. and Anna L. Williams Room (the adult wing) of the Gilman Library. Meet with Friends and bring a friend.
Please pick up a brochure at the library's front desk to learn more about our organization.
Consider joining the Friends of the Gilman Library.
We encourage everyone to consider joining the Friends of the Gilman Library. Throughout the years, the Friends of Gilman Library have sponsored numerous fundraisers and programs to benefit the library. Founded in 1980, the Friends have proven to be a real asset to the library. Being part of this wonderful group is a great way to be together with old friends, meet new people, support the library, and give back to the community. If interested, please visit the circulation desk, give us a call, or send us a quick email. Please consider joining us as we make new friends. Feel free to encourage your friends to take part in this wonderful opportunity that is sure to benefit everyone involved.
Come into the Gilman Library and visit the Friends Corner! The Friends of the Gilman Library sell books, DVDs, jigsaw puzzles, and seasonal items.
The "store" will always be open during library hours.
We hope you will consider joining or renewing your membership and encourage your friends to do so. Just stop by the library to renew and get a membership card. Members are eligible for special discount days during the year. Our “Friends Corner” has an extensive collection of books and DVDs as well as handcrafted seasonal decorative items for sale.
Friends’ activities are posted on the Gilman Library website and the Gilman Library Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts, as well as four Alton Community Facebook pages and The Baysider.
Friends of the Gilman Library
The Purpose of the Friends of the Gilman Library shall be to maintain an association of persons interested in good library service and in books: to increase the facilities and services of the Gilman Library, and thus to increase the cultural opportunities available in Alton. The activities of the association:
At the end of the meeting, the Friends presented Holly Brown with a delicious candy-filled, white chocolate sleigh and card expressing their appreciation in acknowledgment of her twenty-five years of public service as the Gilman Library Director.